Monday, May 29, 2006

Urgh... :(

Well, after a recent bout of gastro for us all I have decided that this house is just too messy!!!! So I have decided to have a go at FlyLady to see if it will work for us. Even though it is American I know that lots of people have used it and it works, so let's just have a go.

We are all better now - The Girlie was he first to get it on Thursday night. SHe threw up all over me and our bed. ARGH!!! The poor thing was in so much pain adn had no idea of what was going on. We have been so lucky that she hasn't really gotten this sick before. After a restless night she bounce back on Friday (while I felt VERY sleep deprived!)

Then DH and I both came down with it on Saturday morning. What a way to spend the weekend. Thankfully DH's parents came to look after us - what a fantastic thing to do, especially considering it is a 5 hour trip to get here!!! They washed the dishes, disinfected the loo and the bath and looked after the girlie. Oh, and did the garden! Thanks Mum and Dad!!!

We did 3 loads of Napisan washing (I don't think I have washed so many sheets and towels at once in my life!!!) and finally things feel almost normal. Back to work tomorrow!

Hopefully that's the last we'll see of gastro for a while.

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