Saturday, July 08, 2006

Not Mummy

Today the girlie let us have a bit of a sleep in - she didn't wake up until 8 am!!! Which is a nice change from 6.45...

DH went in to get her and as he came in she said "Mummy!!!!", to which he replied "I'm not Mummy".

"Daddy!" she said and then he brought her in to see me.

"Cuggle Mummy!" and I did as I was bid.

She proceeded to point and name everything (as is her want in the morning).

"Mummy, Taggyn, pirrow, co(t), not mummy..."

We laughed.


Nia said...

That reminds me of that telly show "Dinosaurs"...the baby dinosaur always called the daddy dinosaur "Not the Mama"...heee hee great to hear that Tamsyn has a sense of humour - very handy for later life :)


Nia said...

That's so funny. There used to be a telly show called Dinosaurs where the baby used to call daddy dinosaur "Not the Mama".

Glad to hear that Tamsyn has a great sense of humour!

Anonymous said...

great to see that you're blogging again. I have been watching. The Mummy