Wednesday, August 22, 2007

There's a bear in there....

Today we went to a Play School concert. It was short, but excellent. No we know what happens to all those old Play School presenters that we never see on any other shows - they are all off doing concerts in regional areas... Seriously, George and Angela were fantastic and the kids LOVED them. TG even got up and jumped around and was pretty much engaged for the whole 45 minute show. I was so very proud of her. After 12 months of sticking with Mum all the time it is wonderful to see her branching out just a little.

And, as you can see, Big Ted came home with us. As if she doesn't already have enough bears. *Sigh*

Not only did he some home with us, he also went to the post office with us and to Baker's Delight with us and to the bookshop with us, and has pretty much not been separated from TG since he came into her possesion at 11 am this morning. Poor old Jarmie bear is out in the cold... I do hope he comes back into favour soonish - he *is* a lot smaller... :)

Other things that have happened since I last blogged:

I have sorted my scrap stuff (it's still in boxes but at least it's not all mixed up anymore)
I have had so many antibiotics it is surprising that I am not sprouting mushrooms! Still, my tooth is better
I have finished watching Stargate Atlantis season 3. Bring on Season 4! I want it NOW!!!!!!!!
I have caught up with the washing

All good and proper things.
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Darryn said...

Someone looks happy to have a new bear... She is just soooooo cute!

Helen Kinsela said...

Oh how cute is Tamsyn. Hope you are going to scrap that gorgeous pic, especially now you have sorted all your stuff (good on you btw ... wanna do mine too?)

Marita said...

Very cute :) Playschool is a big hit in our house too.

Good to see another Stargate Atlantis fan. I've been missing Dr McKay, try to get my fix by reading up David Hewletts blog -

Joe Flanigan is coming to Melbourne for the Armageddon Expo and if I can get babysitting I will so be there :grin

Melleny Ams said...

She looks like she had a ball. Big Ted is going to be very loved.

Anonymous said...

Your Tamsyn is very cute! The Teddy is too of course!

Kaysie said...

Look how much she has grown.... Hollie LOVES playschool.. I want big ted too.. Im jelous. LOL.

Vicky said...

Hey Jess, love reading you blog and catching up on all the goss.
I've tagged you over at mine, quick go take a look!

Anonymous said...

isnt she a cutie !!!!!!!!
my kids LOVE playschool too.(dont mind it myself sometimes lol)

great Los Jess!!!

m scrapdiva