Saturday, August 11, 2007

Busy day

Well, what a day! I feel like I have been running out of time all day! I suppose it doesn't help if you get caught up chatting on MSN with the 123 girls and then read after you get to bed. So when your 3 year old wakes you up at 6.30 ( I am never sure why she always seems to wake up early on days I can sleep in!) it is very hard to get up and you end up rushign around to get porridge on the inside and be washed on the inside before you need to go out in the howling wind and rain to buy a present for the 1st birthday you had forgotten about until you woke up that morning.

We did make this card though - from a sketch for the Little Scrapbook shop CC - and it was well-received. So I was very happy with that.

TG wouldn't eat anything much at the party and refused to have a sleep this afternoon. Of course she is nopw bombed out on the couch and is very hard to rouse so I think I might be in for a late night. Oh well. Better go get some tea on and see if that wakes her up. The light is still on and the music is blaring so let's see how we go...

1 comment:

Marita said...

That is a beautiful card. Hope TG is let you get some sleep last night.