Sunday, January 28, 2007

What the...?

Welcome to my mess!!! So much for cleaning up the dining room!

Well, to be fair, I did clean it up, but I messed it up again.

But I did create three layouts (if you look closely you can see one of them!) Well...2 1/2. One isn't quite finished yet... I will put them up tomorrow.

In other news...

I have put batteries in the girlie's kitchen and now it makes noise. I think I must be insane. Oh well, at least she seems to be enjoying it.

It's raining! Well, a little bit. And that's better than nothing.

My kitchen is still tidy.

I finished my book - and it was good.

1 comment:

fleurie said...

love the mess Jess....
I cleaned the whole house last night...and guess what?

Its a MESS again...oh well