Thursday, April 20, 2006

The rain is STILL here!

Tonight the girlie discovered her birthday clothes that I have yet to put away. She got very excited to find some new pants and tops in a bag, but even more excited to find a new hat!!! It fits okay when her hair is done like a palm tree but it is too big otherwise. Still she loves it.

It is still wet and windy. Most of us at work wished we could be back at home in our pyjamas but we soldiered on regardless. Mostly without complaining. Unless you count all the times (which was every time I met someone) we complained about the cold, the wet, and the wind.

Parent/teacher interviews today. Thank goodness I could get home early and not stay for the evening session! Knew I had a baby for a reason! :)

New words today: "car" and "t-shirt" - both without prompting and used to name things.

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