Saturday, February 17, 2007

More Darwinian Trainees

I blogged a couple of days ago about stupidity. Little did I know that more prime examples would come my way.

With several 35+ degree days looming, most people would take the initiative and wear something appropriate.

As the Scouts say "Be Prepared".

In my naivety, I consider reading an excellent activity during the heat. It involves little expenditure of energy and might even take the mind away from its current situation, ie. HEAT. So it was a great shock to discover that I may have been wrong twice in one week! When faced with the aforementioned activity many students complained that it was "too hot". On closer inspection these same (female) students were seen to be wearing a) school dress, b) 'outerwear' (apparently it is fashionable to wear a singlet over a dress. I can only assume that these people have not learnt anything from Superman...) and c) a thick woollen school jumper, all artfully arranged to show the least amount of dress and the largest amount of (pink) 'outerwear'.

Perhaps they are proving that they are just as good at this as the boys??

1 comment:

fleurie said...

Oh come on Jess...werent you YOUNG