Sunday, March 05, 2006


Well, I have decided to start a blog. They say it helps with scrapbook journalling, but I also want to let people know what we're doing... So here I am, typing away.

Today we went to church, as per normal, and then we went off to the park. I had forgotten that it was the arrival of the baton relay here so I was very glad that I had the camera with me.

We caught up with a friend while we were there so we ended up having a really good time. It is always nice to spend time with people you haven't seen for a while. J- was looking after three children who kept Tamsyn entertained. They also got to sit on the seat of a police motorcycle - this went down very well! We saw the baton come down to the foreshore on the tram - a great spectacle - while the children waved like mad!

Tamsyn was such a good girl today and the new behaviour technique (a la Supernanny!) seems to be working very well - let's hope it continues! She is so much fun it is hard to be cross with her for long.

1 comment:

Darryn said...

Nice beginning... some actual content would be nice though. Where are the photos? You promised me pretty pictures!